Category Archives: Neuroscience

What is adrenaline rush..??

Adrenaline rush is a body response for situations in which your body need more resources like oxygen. and this leads adrenal gland to secrete adrenaline hormone which increases breathing rate, heart rate(to increase blood flow), which then secretes dopamine which decreases body pain and make yourself available for fear, fight or fight. Adrenaline is also known as Epinephrine hormone. …

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What is BOTOX… Why it is used…??

BoTox is a toxin, which is now used as a therapy. It is produced by a pathogenic bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which was previously known as Bacillus botulinus. Botulism or botulinum intoxication is very rare but it has very high fatality rate. This toxin is produced in anaerobic conditions and it can lead to food poisoning, which was …

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What is Dystonia ..??

As name suggests Dystonia is a Abbreviation  for ‘Dys’ and ‘Tone’, thus Dystonia is Disturbances in muscle tone. Dystonia is known as most common movement disorder and it can be characterized by patterned abnormal movements, mostly with sustained movements. Dystonia can be categorized mainly in following types. Primary Dystonia Dyskinesia with Dystonia Secondary Dystonia Heredodegenrative …

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Am i adrenaline junkie…??

Adrenaline rush is a body response for situations in which your body need more resources like oxygen. and this leads adrenal gland to secrete adrenaline hormone which increases breathing rate, heart rate(to increase blood flow), which then secretes dopamine which decreases body pain and make yourself available for fear, fight or fight. Adrenaline is also …

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What about a drink…??

What does a ‘drink’ contains..?? Alcohol, Right. But do you know how it works..?? Alcohol effects almost every part of your brain, it starts with absorption in stomach. it simply affects neurotransmitters(Chemical messengers) and brings effects like sleepiness, staggering and loss of consciousness. Daily/Heavy drinking is injurious… but it is just fine if you take …

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Hypnosis is a technique to direct person’s innate capabilities like imagination, imagery, attention and perception. During this process attention and imagination are increased and peripheral sensation and perception decreases. This can be induced by controlling trance from its beginning, Hypnotist is a knowledgeable person about this technique and all these induction methods. The subject’s ability of getting …

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Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder. Narcolepsy consists of sudden sleep attacks, sudden loss of postural tone(cataplexy), loss of voluntary motor control going into(hypnagogic) or coming out of(hypnopompic) sleep(sleep paralysis), and hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations. Drugs like sympathomimetics reduce narcoleptic sleep attacks and also improve wakefulness. In comparison to amphetamine drugs it is equally effective with less risk of excessive activation.

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Similarities in languages

Spanish – French – Portuguese – English – Danish – Planets – Hindi Domingo – dimanche – Domenica – Sunday – Søndag – Sun – Ravivar Lunes – lundi – Lunedi – Monday – Mandag – Moon – Somvar Martes – mardi – Martedì – Tuesday – Tirsdag – Mars – Mangalvar Miércoles – mercredi – Mercoledì – Wednesday – Onsdag – Murcury – Budhvar …

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